Sunday, November 28, 2004

Beautiful person - Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle's got a face that's absolutely divine! Whenever she's on screen, I miss out on most of the other things. She's not just a pretty face - she's also one of the most accomplished and successful actresses currently gracing the silver screen.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Beautiful person - Yana Gupta

Meet Yana Gupta. A truely beautiful person. Not only does she have a beautiful soul, she's got everything in heaps! Yana is from the Czech Republic, has graduated in gardening, does modelling in India, cares for animals (she did a campaign for PETA India), is a vegetarian, and is absolutely gorgeous to boot!
Way to go, Yana - you are a truely beautiful person!

For those of you who are interested in finding more about Yana, unfortunately this is all that's available here. Do a Google search and be prepared to be amazed by Yana.

Intro - a blog for beautiful people

Hello and welcome to a blog devoted to all forms of beauty as perceived through my eyes. It features beautiful people that come to my attention or my recollection.
Aspects will be beauty of soul, face, body, thoughts and deeds.
Being the shallow and choosy bastard that I am, there will be floor limits on all the 5 aspects, and excellence required in atleast one area.
So for example, a person with drop-dead gorgeous looks and no substance will not cut it, and unfortunately neither will a person who's the paragon of humanity but harsh on the eyes!
Go ahead and suggest people to me to include in the list, with relevant facts and pictures - all suggestions welcome.
Enjoy the posts.

Of course, I have not photographed most of the people featured on this blog myself, so the images are sourced from other webpages. So in case anybody wants me to give you credit for the image, let me know and I'll be happy to entertain genuine claims.

Watch this space for further updates soon.